
U.S. Petroleum Consumption by Sector

U.S. petroleum consumption by sector and percentage of total in 2017
"b/d" = barrels per day

  • Transportation—14.02 million b/d—71%
  • Industrial—4.76 million b/d—24%
  • Residential—0.52 million b/d—3%
  • Commercial—0.47 million b/d—2%
  • Electric power—0.10 million b/d—1%

U.S. Petroleum Consumption by Product

Following is a listing of petroleum products consumed in 2017:

Product Annual consumption (million barrels per day)
Finished motor gasoline1 9.327
Distillate fuel oil (diesel fuel and heating oil)1 3.932
Hydrocarbon gas liquids (HGL) 2.643
Kerosene-type jet fuel 1.682
Still gas 0.690
Petrochemical feedstocks 0.351
Asphalt and road oil 0.351
Residual fuel oil 0.342
Petroleum coke 0.316
Miscellaneous products and other liquids2 0.130
Lubricants 0.121
Special napthas 0.052
Aviation gasoline 0.011
Kerosene 0.005
Waxes 0.005
Total petroleum products 19.958

1 Includes fuel ethanol in gasoline and biodiesel in distillate fuels.
2 Others includes other liquids not included in the table.
Note: Sum of individual products may not equal total because of independent rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Petroleum and Other Liquids—Product Supplied, as of August 31, 2018